

From February 1 to June 29, 2025, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Cavalese presents the exhibition “Fulvio Morella. Le stelle che non ti ho detto (The stars I never told you)” curated by Elsa Barbieri and Sabino Maria Frassà, in collaboration with Cramum. Within the halls of Palazzo Rizzoli, a rich selection of textile works will guide the audience through the discovery of Morella’s “stellar braille” alphabet, an unprecedented language through which the artist transforms night skies into poetic and enigmatic tactile messages.

With the aim of fostering connections within the territory and promoting synergies around the themes of art and inclusivity, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Cavalese hosts the first event of the artistic and cultural project “I limiti non esistono (Limits do not exist)” through Morella’s exhibition. This initiative is promoted by Cramum in collaboration with Regione Lombardia and Lagazuoi Expo Dolomiti, under the patronage of the Italian Paralympic Committee and INJA Louis Braille. It seeks to unite, through exhibitions and cultural events, the symbolic locations of the upcoming 2026 Milan Cortina Winter Paralympics — Milan, Val di Fiemme, and Cortina — creating a deep dialogue between art, inclusion, and sport. The initiative is part of the Milan Cortina 2026 Cultural Olympiad, a multidisciplinary, plural, and widespread program that will animate Italy, promoting Olympic values through culture, heritage, and sport.

Developed within the spaces of Palazzo Rizzoli, the exhibition “Le stelle che non ti ho detto (The stars I never told you” presents 15 embroidered textile works, a poetic reinterpretation of the braille language by the artist, who replaces traditional dots with stars, expanding its boundaries with new meanings and suggestions. In this way, Morella transforms starry skies into cryptic information. Works such as “Pupille,” “Sipari,” “Flash,” and “Montagne” illustrate this approach, where personal phrases or quotations from authors are translated into constellations and fragments of the sky: the result is a new visual language, stellar braille.

In this context, Fulvio Morella invites the audience to touch the sky and the stars with their fingers, reminding us that limits do not exist and that we are the ones who draw our own poetry, living each day with intensity. Furthermore, for the duration of the exhibition, five new works by the artist will be displayed at Palazzo Ress in Cavalese, the municipal headquarters. Among these are “Galassia Eternità”, dedicated to Serbian poet Pavlović, “Flash Dream”, inspired by the words of African master Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o on the role of children, and “Pupilla Luna”, an homage to the verses of Pierangelo Bertoli and Tazenda in “Spunta la luna dal monte” (“Per altre vie, con le mani le mie cerco le tue, cerco noi due”).

The exhibition “Le stelle che non ti ho detto (The stars I never told you)” is further enriched by a public program: in July, Cavalese will host “Blind Trust,” a choral, immersive, and multisensory performance, during which 100 participants, guided by artist Fulvio Morella, will be blindfolded with a band embroidered with the word “Trust” in stellar braille and led to discover four works through senses other than sight.

The exhibition is open to visitors at the Museum of Contemporary Art Cavalese, Piazzetta Rizzoli, 1, Cavalese, Italy (admission: €2.00, free for children under 16 and holders of the Fiemme Guest Card). For further information, call +39 0462 235416 or email museo@comunecavalese.it.