Privacy Policy
The Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003 (“Personal Data Protection Code”) provides for the protection of individuals and other subjects with regard to the processing of personal data. In compliance with the aforementioned legislation, the processing of users’ personal data on this site will be conducted in accordance with the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, and the protection of confidentiality and user rights.
Data Controller
Pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, concerning the protection of personal data, we inform you that the data controller of the data you provide is Raffaella Polverini, who can be contacted at the email address
Authorized Personnel
Personal data will be accessible only to the data controller and individuals expressly authorized by them. The data will not be disclosed and/or shared with third parties.
Third-Party Access to Data
For maintenance and updating activities, an IT technician may have access to the website and hosting space.
Processing Methods
The processing of data will be carried out using tools suitable to ensure security and confidentiality and may be performed through automated tools designed to store, manage, and transmit the data. This will always be done in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, and Annex B to the aforementioned decree.
Purpose of Data Processing
These data will be used by the Data Controller for the purposes for which the subject to whom the data refer has given their consent.
Data Subject Rights
Anyone who has provided their personal data to the Data Controller, authorizing its processing for a specific purpose, may exercise all the rights provided by Article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003. They may therefore access their data, request corrections, additions, and, where applicable, deletion or blocking by sending their request via email to
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Last updated: February 3, 2024.