The Dino Zoli Foundation in Forlì (FC) presents, until March 16, 2025, an extensive exploration dedicated to the art of tapestry in Italy, spanning from the 1950s to the present day. Curated by Nadia Stefanel and promoted by Dino Zoli Textile and the Dino Zoli Foundation, Trame esplorative: un viaggio attraverso l’arazzo – the title of the exhibition – aims to highlight how the textile medium, traditionally seen as a decorative art, has evolved into an innovative and multifaceted form of expression, intertwining stories, cultures, and techniques.

This journey through tapestry workshops offers a unique opportunity to understand how art and craftsmanship merge in a collaborative creative process, involving some of the most important masters of the mid-20th century and attracting contemporary artists.

The exhibition path showcases the value of manual labor and the creativity of both established and contemporary artists, such as Afro, Stefano Arienti, Niki Berlinguer, Eros Bonamini, Alexander Calder, Sonia Delaunay, Maurizio Donzelli, Piero Dorazio, Gianni Dova, Nathalie Du Pasquier, Elena El Asmar, Omar Galliani, Armida Gandini, Fabio Iemmi, Riccardo Licata, Loredana Longo, Antonio Marras, Francesca Müller, Mauro Reggiani, Remo Salvadori, Gino Severini, Sissi, Guerrino Tramonti, and Luigi Veronesi.

A journey through Italy that not only celebrates the techniques of textile craftsmanship but also invites visitors to reconsider a rich and diverse cultural heritage. This tradition continues to evolve and renew itself over time, fostering profound connections between the artist and the audience.

The exhibition is organized under the patronage of the Municipality of Forlì and Confindustria Romagna.
The Dino Zoli Foundation is open to the public from Tuesday to Thursday, 9:30 AM–12:30 PM, and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 9:30 AM–12:30 PM and 4:30 PM–7:30 PM.
Admission is free.
For more information: Tel. +39 0543 755770, info@fondazionedinozoli.com, www.fondazionedinozoli.com.